I love writing blog posts that hold me accountable. Writing content not only helps my readers it also allows me to stay motivated. I have learned that you must practice what you preach, so I thought it would be fun to give you guys five daily habits for a more productive day. Following these habits have been super helpful.
What is a productive day? Being productive can have a different meaning depending on who you ask. To some, a productive day could mean that they get 1 to 2 tasks completed. Others may think a productive day is getting a hundred tasks completed.
Whatever a productive day means I will give you some tips to help you get stuff done. You don’t have to be the most organized person. You have to be a person with a plan.
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Be an early riser
I’m not going to lie. I struggle with this habit. I have never been a morning person, EVER. However, I do notice when I wake up early. I can get a huge jump start on all my daily tasks. You don’t have to wake up at 5 am, but you should try to wake up before 8 am.
You can get more tasks done when you get an early start to your day. Before I had kids, waking up early meant getting up just before 12 pm. I didn’t realize I was missing out on so much of my day.
If you find it hard waking up early. You can try a few of these examples:
- Got to sleep before the night before ( aim for 8:30/ 9:00 pm)
- Set a weekly alarm for 7:00 am each morning
- Don’t look at the tv or any mobile device an hour before bedtime
- Put on relaxing music or white noise to help you drift off to sleep
Prep the night before
Prep weekly meals and clean up high-traffic areas of your home each night. If you want to build great daily habits to be more productive, you should start by prepping the night before. Have your clothes been picked out for the week?
If you have children, you should prep their baby bag, lunch box, or any items they have to take daily. Having all their clothes laid out for the week is also a good idea. Life becomes much easier when you have things already organized the night before.
When you try to rush and get everything ready in the morning, you are taking time away that you could have been using to tackle the tasks that matter.
Prepping at night can be tiresome, so you should start doing some prep work throughout the day. You can meal prep in the mornings or pick out your clothes for the week in the afternoons. Just do what you can until you have a routine that works for you and your family.
Have a strong prayer life
Having a strong prayer life is also necessary for having a productive day. I love talking to God daily. It sets the tone for the kind of day I am going to have. I noticed when I didn’t ask him for direction. My day tends to get chaotic and unproductive.
Each night start a simple prayer and ask God to help you stay focused and help you make sound decisions each day. You will be amazed by how much more focused you are.
Spending time in God’s word also shows you how you should be using your time. We should be using our time wisely and not letting our hands and minds go idle. We must plan accordingly and make the necessary preparation for our daily tasks.
Plan and time block your daily activities
Time blocking your daily tasks will help you stay on schedule and stop you from doing unnecessary activities. I like to sit down with my planner and write out everything I must do the next day.
Once I know what I have to do for the day, I will set a time for when I want to accomplish each task. Below you will find a free daily task printable to allow you to jot down things you need to get done for the day.
Don’t procrastinate
Procrastination is a time killer. We often spend too much time thinking about everything we need to do without actually making progress on getting those things done. An excellent way to beat procrastination is to start “DOING” and stop “THINKING.”
Don’t get stuck in the research phase; some may even call analysis paralysis. This is where you spend all your time writing and going over the things that need to be done and not taking action to start the process.
How do you overcome procrastination? I like to work without distraction. I turn off the tv and other things that will distract my attention from what I need to get done. Turn off the notifications on your cell phone, or try putting your cell phone in another room while you work.
I hope today’s post gives you some motivation to get all your tasks done. Leave a comment below and let me know some of your favorite daily habits for a more productive day. Until next time, bye.