Pregnancy should be the most exciting time in most new mothers’ lives, but that is not always the case. Before becoming pregnant with my first child, I thought that pregnancy would be a breeze and would be the most wonderful thing I would experience. In today’s blog, I am going to share with you how to cope when feeling down during pregnancy.
I am truly blessed by having the experience of carrying another life inside of me, but it’s not all roses and sprinkles. Women have to deal with morning sickness, which can last all day. Aches and pains that we never knew existed until pregnancy. Pregnant women’s hormones are often up and down.
I am currently pregnant with baby number two, and this pregnancy is wearing me down. I wanted to write this post for all the moms out there that may be going through what I am, and hopefully, I can give some tips to make you feel better (This post has been updated).
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Pregnancy is Tough
First of all, don’t feel bad if you do not have the wonderful pregnancy experience that you imagined you would have. You are growing another life inside of you, and that takes a lot of hard work. Trust me; if it were easy, then men would do it, lol.
Sometimes, your spouse or other family and friends can make you feel bad for not being the person you used to be before getting pregnant. You may change, and that’s ok. Personally, my body changed along with my mindset.
Sometimes your attitude will change, and you might find yourself being in a more grumpy mood than usual. I know in my case, I was made to feel like I was lazy because I didn’t feel like doing anything. Doing daily chores felt like such a daunting task. Don’t be hard on yourself; know your feelings are valid.
Judgemental People
One of the things I find most annoying is all the judgment you get while pregnant. I constantly have to deal with people telling me that my belly is too big for being so many months along. You may receive these negative comments. Now I know you may feel like giving those people a few choice words, but remember you are pregnant, so don’t let yourself get that worked up. Most times, it’s not even worth it.
It’s also annoying when people bring up what other pregnant women are doing. I had someone tell me that they didn’t understand why I was always so tired when there are other pregnant women out exercising and being very active in their pregnancies. Some women are active and have very few pregnancy symptoms. Every woman is different, and not all women are going to feel wonderful.
If you are dealing with any negative backlash for feeling less than perfect, tune those people out or tell them they don’t get to tell you how you should feel during your pregnancy.
Take time to relax
Some of the things that I love doing to help me relax and stay sane during my pregnancy is taking warm showers with my favorite bath scents. I try to bathe in relaxing or calming fragrances like lavender or any relaxation scents from Bath and Body Works.
Prayer also helps me a lot. When I’m feeling angry or overwhelmed, I give all my problems to God. Talking with people who are positive and upbeat helps me in times when I’m feeling down.
Taking a good nap is also a good idea on days when my energy is low. I do have a toddler, so cuddling up with her calms me.