Do you ever think about blogging as a career or wonder how some mothers make an income blogging? I didn’t even know making money blogging existed until a few years ago. In today’s post, I will give you four reasons why blogging may be right for you.
Writing has always been my passion; as a kid, I would write down all my thoughts and ideas in journals. I can’t even tell you how many diaries I had. That’s why I love blogging. It lets me get all my ideas out and share them with you.
So you may be asking yourself, is blogging right for me? I hope you will have it figured out by the end of my post. I will give you a few things to consider. Don’t worry if you are still undecided. Starting a blog can be a bit overwhelming. I say start a blog anyway. You will never know what you like until you try it.
Do you have a passion for writing
Sometimes new bloggers get caught up in developing their website and all the technical aspects of blogging that they get lax on writing content. Creating your website can be exciting, and of course, we all want a nice web design, but what good is the design of your website if you don’t have any content?
You have to have a true passion for writing and expressing your ideas in a way that will help others. Was English your favorite subject in school, or did you love writing for the school paper? You may want to consider taking up a career as a blogger.
Most bloggers write every day. So if you are a person who loves to create content daily without getting bored or burned out, you may go on to something here.
Writing every day can be in the form of jotting down your ideas or things you want to talk about. I love to have an outline and write down a few things from that outline each day.
Do you love teaching others
Being a blogger doesn’t involve writing alone. You also have to have a passion for teaching others. I started blogging because I love sharing my tips and ideas with everyone.
Sharing my content brings me joy when I know someone has read my blog and learned something from it. You don’t necessarily have to be an expert. People will appreciate the advice, especially if it helps them to solve a certain dilemma.
I always say you don’t have to be the expert. You have to be genuine and have a unique story to tell. There are so many bloggers out there, and I love that. Each person has a different spin on different topics. You may have someone that relates more to your content.
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Are you self motivated
Do you get tasks done only when told, or do you have a natural drive to stay on top of deadlines and get things done? It doesn’t do you any good to run a blog “unless you are not interested in earning an income” if you are not going to be disciplined.
You have to plan and put in the work. I schedule my content in advance so that I can stay consistent with posting. You may want to consider blogging as a career if you are self-motivated and good with planning.
Being a blogger means putting in many hours, especially at the beginning of your blogging career. You may find yourself working over 80 hours a week on your blog. I work on my blog when I wake up until I lay my head on my pillow at night.
Do you love every aspect of being a blogger

Now I know that earlier I said not to worry so much about the technical aspects of your blog. But, let’s be honest, yes, you do have to have some love for the technical side of it. I wouldn’t waste all my energy on it if I didn’t have any content.
If you have the content planned out, then feel free to concentrate on the web design and all the other fun things that go into running a blog. I personally love the tech side of it. Am I great at it? No, but I love learning every aspect of blogging. I love learning the legal and technical sides and how to perfect my writing skills.
If you only love to make content, that is perfectly fine. Some bloggers hire out tasks they don’t like or don’t have time for. As your blog grows, you will find the tasks you love doing the most.
I hope my post on four reasons why blogging may be for you has given you insight into this blogging world. I post blogs weekly, so stay tuned for more posts from me.